60 Promiscuity among the homosexuals has led to a shocking abuse of public propriety. It has made possible what has been referred to as 7he Streel, New York’s Times Square area which, as we have seen, is riddled with homosexual types, openly solic- iting one another. ' This situation is not confined to New York. It exists all over the world. Rome’s beautiful Borghese Gardens is referred to as an outdoor brothel, so flagrant is the soliciting by homosexual as well as female prostitutes. Central Park has certain sections known as /oo hieavens. And in this respect it is no different from dozens of other parks throughout the country. Conscientious policing of these areas can accom- plish only so much. It would take all the forces at the command-”of the New York Police Department to cover every inch of Central Park 24 hours a day. Soliciting never stops. It may appear to be only a nocturnal adventure because it is morecommonplace under the cover of darkness. The night affords privacy. Deviates can take up their-positions beside trees, hidden by rocks or in the bushes. Here they are sought out by others looking for a momentary experience. It is accomplished rapidly and furtively, _often without a word of conversation. A hand