59 respects, than those who pretend or even innocently believe they can find what they want in a homosex- ual union. Promiscuity, then, being the handmaiden of the homosexual, it is readily understood how difficult it is for the deviate to achieve a balanced sex life, at least in point of frequency of physical relations. A married couple with an appetite for sexual ex- perience three or four times a week has no difficulty satisfying it. If each decided on a promiscuous life like those led by some homosexuals, they would be faced with the awesome task of finding between 150 to 200 different partners to satisfy the sameappetites. The conclusion that homosexuals spend an in- ordinate amount of time in soliciting partners for their sexual gratification is 100% correct. In some, it looms more importantly than their work and accounts for much of the reputation for unreliability attached to the homosexual in business. A man who spends long evenings in a ““gay bar” hoping to ““cruise” what he knows is going to be a one-night stand cannot fulfill his office functions the next morning. Often he doesn’t and casually checks in sick. He’s surprised when the pink slip comes around at the end of the permissable number of excusable absences.