58 - individuals, giving to indulging themselves physi- cally and indiscriminately at will. This is a case of people misunderstanding the homosexual’s preoccupation with sex. That he talks about it almost constantly, that he boasts of his con- quests, that he appears to live, breathe and drink sex does not necessarily mean that he enjoys or experi- ences it as often as he should like. The opposite, exactly what Dr. Kinsey suggested, is probably closer to the truth. The homosexual, even those who appear to have close emotional ties with another male, is, by nature, a promiscuous creature. | The person at hand is never quite capable of satis- fying him. He constantly needs the reassurance of another conquest, another experience. Homosexuals quickly tire of their lovers, even in the face of the difficulties they face in organizing homes for partnerships which they hope will bring some degree of stability to their lives. They are not disappointed that it doesn’t—merely hopeful that things will turn out better the next time. There are some homosexual types who frankly admit at the outset that they can not be chained to one person, that they can not enjoy sex twice with the same individual. They are more honest, in some