36 “At that I’'m luckier than a lot of fellows. I'd hate to tell you how many ‘kept boys’ have thrown them- selves out of windows. A big percentage. “And Jack? What happened to him?” “He didn’t quite make the pavement. Instead he hit the bottom of an elevator shaft one night. “He picked up a piece of trade one night who tried to rob him. Jack decided to put up a fight. The guy held on to him with one arm forced open the ele- vator door with the other and tossed him down. The elevator man was out front. Saw nothing—except a figure running down the steps and into the street. So ~ fast the elevator man couldn’t get a description. “They found Jack’s body a half hour later—and just about every piece of jewelry and cash in the place lifted. “It adds up—a thousand bucks of valuables—one life. The way I figure that equals the right hand of a — ~ piano player.”