54 registration papers. “There’s the story, Max. I'm going back to school. Three nights a week. Isn’t it wonderful? e ““Three nights a week. You sonofabitch. And what the hell am I going to do. Sit here and twiddle my thumbs. While you’re up there laying all those musical fags. My ass, you’re going to school. Not while you’re living like a little prince on my dough.’ “I was shocked. I'd never seen Jack this drunk. {8 I'd never heard him talk that way eithér. I tried to ° break in on the tirade, but nothing I said placated him. “In an angry gesture, he threw his glass at the | fireplace and broke it. I walked over and kneeled down, beginning to pick up the pieces. There was a movement behind me. Before I could react, Jack’s foot was on the back of my hand, squeezing my palm and fingers into the glass. Blood burst forth from what seemed a half dozen places. He held his § foot there, pressing harder, ‘Now, ‘little prince, we’ll see who the hell’s going to take piano lessons?’ , “It was a nightmare. The sight of blood should have horrified him. It didn’t. He loved it. It seemed | hours before I extricated myself. My hand had ‘turned to pulp. “I wrapped it in a towel and ran downstairs.