53 that I was settled for the first time since leaving home I was anxious to get back to school. I broached this several times to Jack but he quickly changed the subject. “Since Jack wouldn’t let me spend my own money, I had been able to save quite a bit. One day I took off from work and headed for the conservatory, the fee for six months’ tuition in my hands. “The teachers were delighted to see me, hated tak- " ing my money but could do nothing else since I had forfeited my scholarship. “Full of excitement I took an expensive taxi ride back to the apartment. Although it was only four p.m., Jack was there. Obviously he had been there " for some time. His face was flushed. I saw that he had been drinking heavily. “‘Where’ve you been, you sonofabitch? I called all afternoon. They said you’d called in sick at the store. When I couldn’t reach you, I figured you really were sick. So I left everything on my desk. And what do I see? Carl—large as life—stomping home whenever he pleases. Who’ve you been sleep- " ing with?’ “I tried to calm him down, but he’d poured an- ~other stiff jolt. And started on another tirade. “I forced him to sit down and to look at my