52 “So you’re the chap. Well, all I can say is that Bob showed good taste. Now, what about my sug- gestion? Wouldn’t you like to live here, go back to decent work again? It would be good for you.’ “Within the week I was fully installed, and there began a round of life that seemed to have come out ‘of a story book. “In quick order I was bought a new wardrobe. A Park Avenue dentist straightened out my teeth at a cost of $1,000. I went back to the bar—this time as Jack’s luncheon guest. I got a job—but not until we had spent seven heavenly weeks touring Europe. “Of course, I loved the luxury. What young per- son wouldnt? And I loved the fuss made over me when Jack gave parties and the cuff link queens asked me to play. “It was only at these affairs that I noticed dark glances come into Jack’s eyes. I was too stupid to realize that he was jealous. I didn’t know the law of the homosexual jungle, that everytime I made an impression, my affair with him was endangered. “Someone was going to take me away from him. That was rule—at least the way it had always been in Jack’s life. He never had reason to believe that it might be different with someone like me. “My work at the piano had become static and now !