49 put my clothes. Calmly, he took off his. For his age, he had a superb body. Obviously he kept himself in trim and took pride in showing it off. When his shorts slipped away I could see he was all man. “I began to get excited—the first time since I'd gone to work with Max. I was really looking for- ward to this. I was glad I stopped the liquor. “We got into bed and Mr. W. lost no time in making me feel at home. He was a slow starter, moving his hands ever so lightly over my flesh. I responded. That’s another trick. People usually do . to you what they expect themselves. My hands floated across Mr. W.’s skin. It was wonderfully firm, like a young man’s. I was impressed. I could feel my excitement growing. So I pulled back. ‘Some- thing wrong?” Mr. W. asked. ‘No, just that you get me too hot and bothered.’ | “Mr. W. laughed and slowed down. But that was even more tantalizing. I began to writhe on the bed. Sensing my growing excitement, Mr. W. began reacting himself. His breath came in short, quick gasps as his fingers gently sought out the sensitive parts of my body. I groaned with pleasure, even as I fought to hold myself back. “His head came close to me and his lips sought mine. They were ready for him, warm, eager to