48 It was Bob’s apartment. “But I was there. There was no turning back. I had to go through with itt Whoever had called me would have to be entertained. Those were the rulesf§ Anything else would mean getting put off Max ’s list.. I couldn’t afford that. “I rang the bell. The tall grey-haired man who answered the door didn’t need to introduce himself. I’d seen him before. He was Bob’s friend. " “His face was wreathed in smiles. He couldn’thav¢ been more cordial as he invited me in. “He offered me a drink and we talked a littlei, Conversation with him was not nearly as difficult as it usually was with Max’s clients. “The way he kept looking me over I knew he was anxious for sex, but he wasn’t hurrying things. I had two more short drinks. When I refused the third, he suggested we go into the other room. It} was the bedroom, of course. “Clients have all sorts of quirks. You wait until you’re asked to do what they want. Some like to undress you. Another will want you to undress them. Then there are the guys who ask what kind of sex you want. It’s nervous byplay, but by talking, guess, you break down a few tensions. “Mr. W. simply indicated a chair where I could§