43 toasting 72y Bobby. I was right. “The color drained from Bobby’s face. A look of desperation showed in his eyes. “They seemed to be pleading with me not to say anything, not to make a scene. It took all my ~ strength to resist the temptation to walk to his table and throw a drink in his face. “The picture was all too clear. Bobby was kept. Why hadn’t he told me? Why had he led me down a garden path? I might have accepted him as he ' was. I didn’t have to be loved. I was hungry for sex. I would have been satisfied just with that. “But, no, I had to be made a fool of. . “I called for my check, paid it, took a fleeting P glance at Bobby and pushed my way through the crowd. Fellows I'd spoken to before tried to'get my attention. I couldn’t see through my tears. “I climbed into a taxi, stopped at a liquor store #and bought a flfth I took it home and drank my- elf to sleep. “The next day I missed work. For two weeks after 81 missed work, preferring to stay home with my only friend, the bottle. “I finally -had to pull myself together because I ad run out of money