40 about our sex together for a long time afterwards. “That night with Bob, I knew I was going to make up for all those lonely, frustrated years. “We did. Bob was a gorgeous lover. His body was built like rock. He took care of himself, he told me. I could see that he did. His stomach was flat and strong as iron. Muscles rippled across his body as though they had been put there by a great artist. We slipped out of our underclothes as fast as we could. I could hardly believe what I saw. Bob was ~all the man I’d dreamed about. Everything about him was perfect. He seemed to like what he saw on me. ‘Not bad, Junior,” he said, “You ought to ad- vertise a bit. It pays. Don’t cover everything up.’ “We went into bed and the night sped along all too quickly. His strong arms took me as though they meant to consume me. His muscles glistened in the soft bed lamp he’d left lighted. Our bodies turned - and tossed as we experimented with every detail of homosexual love. Our hands prowled each other’s bodies madly, recklessly. Our lips met in a hundred and one kisses. His mouth would grasp my tongue _ until I felt I could bear the agony no longer. But I could not withdraw. “Then, the final adventure, our mouths eagerly seeking out each other’s flesh until finally we reached