36 years older. His hair was almost all gone. His eyes had lost their lustre. He wasn’t hugely fat but bulk was on the way. It seemed incredible that this aging man could once have been what he described “the darling of Park Avenue.” “Yes, I was blond, curly hair, blue eyes, even teeth, a good build. Just the kind of equipment they like. And they represented just the world I wanted to know about. I was sick of the Bronx, sick of my poor family. I hated my father, a broken down musician. My mother just bored me. She was only a housewife. I despised my brother for getting married and having a flock of children. “I realize now I was in love with him, that all my emotions stemmed from jealousy. I knew I was homosexual almost from my first sex experience which, like everyone else’s, was with the boy next door. I tried the same thing with my brother, just playing around. He was two years older than I and would have none of it. I cried so hard and so long that he finally went through with it. “For a while everything was fine between us. He’d come into my bed, hold me in his arms and let me kiss him. I was always the aggressor. I sensed that he wasn’t really enjoying himself, that he’d never love me the way I felt about him. But the sex part