31 Island gather, wearing the briefest of shorts, to ex- plore one another’s bodies more easily. Outdoor sex orgies involving a dozen men are commonplace of an evening. = No where are the artlhces of the “gay world” shown more vividly than in certain “gay bars and restaurants” which, by virtue of their high prices, exclude any but the cuff link set and their “kept boys.” : Visiting one of these at a busy luncheon can be a disconcerting experience to the uninitiated. The door opens on a smoke-filled bar filled with impeccably dressed middle-aged men eagerly swilling martinis, surrounded by half as many young males. Calling the young males “boys” is somewhat of a misnomer. Depending on how well he takes care of himself, a “kept boy” can reasonably be expected to be called a “boy” until he’s nearly 30. The emphasis on youth is the prime characteristic of the “finger bowl sct”’—but it can be sustained by the “illusion of 929 ¢¢ youth.” “Kept boys” know enough about cosmetics, mud packs, massage and the rest of feminine wiles to keep themselves far better preserved for far longer than their hustler counterparts on 7The Street. Luncheon between “boy” and ‘“‘keeper” is an un- varying ritual. The “boy” invariably occupies sume