25 the real thing then. “So I made up with him. After that, meeting him in the afternoons got to be pretty regular. Sometimes I'd feel lousy afterward, but the more we did it, the more I got used to it. “When he left he gave me his address and told me to look him up in New York. “A month later I was there. Boy, what a sucker! I thought I was going to be an actor. The guy turned out to be living with some other fellow. He saw me only once and then, that was in a little bar. His boy friend was jealous of him. He couldn’t afford to have me around. “I was out of dough. I couldn’ go back home. I was too ashamed. I told my family I was going to be an actor. “I started hanging around 7he Street because it was cheap. One thing led to another. It was easy. I “saw the other buys picking up men and before long I was doing the same thing myself. That was three years ago. I didn’t look this way then. I wasn’t on the booze. Hadn’t started to lose my hair. “I once got $50 a night from one trick. Another put me up in his Park Avenue apartment for three weeks, took me to the theatre, to Long Island for the weekend. I thought I had it made until he got rest-