g > 23 When I asked him if he had had sexual experi- ence with any of the girls at that time he evaded the question. A little pressing produced the truth. He hadn’t. He was deadly afraid of girls. Actually, he had never slept with a woman until a year after he came to New York. , He knew a prostitute, someone he’d met on the street, confessed his dilemma frankly. She agreed to help him out. How successful the experiment was and whether it was repeated, Bill refused to say. Under the circumstances I had to conclude that Bill’s only sexual experience was in his role of being what he described the “passive’” partner in homosexual relations performed for money. Bill’s town was visited by an acting troupe. They needed a couple of young extras. Bill got one of the - jobs and became friendly with one of the actors, an older man. “He talked to me a lot and kept telhng me what a bright future a good-looking young fellow would have on Broadway. “What a hick I was! I never suspected him of being a fag—until he invited me to his hotel room one night. He poured a couple of drinks. They hit me fast. Before I knew it, he was pawing me like he’d gone crazy, trying to get me to klss him. I was