22 competition. I’'m an old face around here. The regu- = lars know me and duck me. The tourists don’t look ~at me twice. You get old awful fast around here, ~ mister.”’ As we wandered around, Bill gave out with his ~life’s story. It followed the familiar pattern. Like all the hustlers, he’d never gone “the whole way”— except once. And that had been an accident. He was ~ drunk. Besides, the john was young. About his own age. The trick to interviewing anyone about sex prob- ~ lems or, any other problem, is never to offer sug- gestions; certainly not criticism. Let the subj ect talk and hold your observations until you’re at the typewriter. - I wanted to ask Bill the difference between going ~ all the way” with a younger person and not with a middle-aged john. Where was the borderline between homosexuality and normality? But I held my tongue and let Bill ramble on. _ There was nothing in Bill’s background to fore- shadow the life that was in store for him when he - came to New York. He came from easy-going small- ~ town people, an ordinary kid who played ball on the streets with the other fellows, had better than average high school grades and dated girls.