21 on, seems incredible. Until one realizes that 7ke Street is so utterly disgusting to any but the perverts who inhabit it that even lowly bums prefer hanging around other neighborhoods. Panhandlers and New York’s army of derelict alcoholics are seldom to be found there. In their own words, ‘“that ain’t out territory. It belongs to the queers.” I’'d been led through 7he Street by Bill, a young man who had tried to pick me up the first night I went there to make this study. I wanted just such a guide and lost no time in inviting him around the corner to a drink. He was a few years older than most of the punks. His trousers were not as tight because there were the unmistakable signs of a paunch settling into his stomach. I put my cards on the table and told him I would pay for his help. He was delighted at the suggestion, “Geez, that’s a break. I had two tricks today. I don’t think I could handle another. But I need the money.” “What’s the matter? You hooked?” I asked. I didn’t want a junkie on my hands. Too much trou- ble. “Hell, no. That stuff never got me. I had plenty of chances though. But, hell, I figured I had enough troubles as it was.” ' ~ “What’s the trouble now?” “It’s plain as the nose on your face. Too much