19 his watch removed at the same time that he opens his wallet. He’s solely at the mercy of the hustler. For a few tawdry moments of passion he’s exposed | himself to blackmail if the hustler is under age—and invited arrest by the police, under any circumstances. Hustler and john exchange hasty farewells and both hope never to see the other again. The hustler returns to 7he Street. For even as he finds his means of livelihood within the few short blocks that make up Times Square he also finds there his way of life. He subsists on the greasy piz- zas and hot dogs, the cheap plates of spaghetti. He drinks the unpalatable cut rate liquor. When he’s had enough of that he heads for one of the cheap, sex movies, looks at enough of it until he falls asleep. He hopes he wont get rolled because his next step will be to head for his rooming house nearby and pay his rent. The very nature of his profession reduces his sleep to short naps. Back of his mind is the possibility of finding another john. In the course of the program, " he changes his seat three or four times. Failing that he chooses an aisle seat near the back with an empty place beside him. Someone will take the bait. After a proper interval, there is the joining of knees. The john stretches his toward the hustler