18 tourist season, the sky’s the limit. Contacts are made through the eyes. It’s the glance that homosexuals exchange that explains the old adage among deviates, “It takes one to know one.” Introductions are accomplished through the usual routes of asking for a cigarette, a match or the time. Formalities last only a few seconds. Some hustlers boldly get down to business and ask the john if he’s willing to pay. Others hedge the point, but the net result is the same. Some kind of financial terms are agreed upon. Hustler and john head for the most convenient quarters. The john’s hotel, the hustler’s furnished room' or one of the flea bag.boarding houses in the Broadway area, not beneath renting a bed for a couple of hours. - What can the john expect for his fee ranging from $5 00 to $15.00°? Very little. From the beginning, the hustler makes it clear what kind of sex he is willing to submit to. He refuses to perform fellatio and will not consent to anal intercourse. The john, nervous and eager to please, agrees. The result is a shabby, dirty sexual experience that takes far less time than the two hours of bed - space contracted for. When it’s over, the john stands the risk of having