17 Homosexuals have a terse phrase to sum up this observation, “Today’s trade is tomorrow’s com- petition.” | Case history studies of hustlers have proved this to be true. Under psychiatric questioning, hustlers, who preferred to believe themselves as rough, tough he-men, often revealed that prolonged homosexual activity had rendered them incapable of completing normal intercourse. They confessed not being able ~ to achieve erections in the intimacy of relations with a woman. : At the same time, it is the hustler’s pseudo- manliness that attracts the homosexual to him, es- pecially if the latter is the effeminate type. He enjoys the feeling of conquest and the average hustler has a primitive sixth sense about satisfying this part of his make-up. , On 7he Street, hustlers refer to clients as johns. The Street, like an open air market place, begins at dawn. Unlike a market place, it extends until the . next rising of the sun. For twenty-four hours a day The Street is paced by nervous, well-dressed men, often middle-aged. Looking them over from the cor- ner of furtive eyes are the hustlers, all out to make the best possible deal. When it is cold or rainy, it’s bargain day. In good weather, at the height of the