16 by finding someone else willing to perform fellatio on them. These people have little or no desire or willingness to do this act for anyone else. On the other hand, others like to perform fellatio but arenot too enthusiastic about having it done anally, and those who prefer the sensation of having it done to them.” Mr. Cory argues that sexual contact between males is basically homosexual behaviour, that to imagine it might be otherwise is simply escaping the issue. The attainment of sexual pleasure with other men, psychiatrists point out, may—over a period of time— cause the male hustler to grow accustomed to effort- less organism. Hence, the possibility of his being able to consummate actual, heterosexual 1ntercourse is weakened. The mental acceptance, likewise, of sex as a com- modity rather than a means of expressing love, may tend to poison the youth’s entire attitude toward sex, ~and render him incapable of expressing love with the female he may later marry. Thus, while legally relatively-immune, the male hustler may pay for his transgression in the later-life hell of the neurotic or psychotic. His punishment will be self-inflicted and more painful than any pun- - ishment the law could mete out.