14 to their preference in physical relations. Making it ~ with a “hustler” or a “piece of trade” fills this need when everything else has failed. The hustler looks his role. He’s usually inordi- nately thin. His complexion is sallow. His eyes are shifty. He dresses for the role he pretends to be—a tough guy. He favors the tightest trousers he can squeeze into and if nature has not sufficiently en- dowed him, he is not above stuffing the crotch of his ~ trousers with a handkerchief or small towel. Size is important in homosexual relations. This is the first rule of 7/e Street. Where does the hustler come from? ‘He may have reached Times Square from any one of the dozens of poverty pockets that dot metro- politan New York. Or he may have come to the big city from a small town, by bus or hitchhiking. There are no geographic boundaries on The Street. Nor racial or religious. Negroes are highly prized for sex because of their reputations for possessing large builds and superior capacities for sex. In his mind’s eye the hustler is not a homosexual. He’s simply hustling “the queens’ to make a living. He says he cannot find a job, casually ignoring the fact that he rarely bothers to look for one. Or more important, that he is insufficiently educated and too