b or criminals. Quite a few are thieves but since they steal from their clients, who never report the crime, the police are forced to work in the dark. “How do they manage to remain reasonably well dressed and look well fed? Until I am shown other- wise I have to conclude that they exist by selling their bodies to other men.” Said a social worker, “Even among ourselves we have to admit that male prostitution ranks second to narcotics addiction as the most serious problem affecting our society today. Homosexuals claim that society frowns upon them, that employers discrimi- nate against them. They complain of being denied entrance into the armed services. They resent being called security risks, unable to keep military and scientific secrets. “In some instances there may be validity to these charges. In most cases, I would definitely not agree. The commonplace attitude with which most homo- sexuals today accept male prostitution is at the root of my opinion. “It is today an intrinsic part of the homosexual underworld, firmly entrenched as an institution. And by far, the most dangerous.”