11 prostitution. There are more males earning their lzvelz/zood from prostitution today-in the United States than females. This is the considered opinion of police authorities, medical experts and sociologists. It is not yet a firm statistic since the phenomenon has only been discovered within the last years. Understandably, professional male prostitutes are reluctant to talk about their ““profession.” Amateurs simply deny it. A detective on the vice squad of a middle-size Eastern city gave me his views on this startling dis- closure. “At the moment we have only three areas from which we can draw information about the alarming rise in male prostitution. First, statistics revealing the sharp increase in the number of cases of venereal disease arising from anal contacts be- tween men. Second, the ever growing number of arrests of males discovered importuning other males with payment as a motive. Third, observation by our precinct officers of the number of young loiterers seen on city streets today. “These youths haunt parks, streets and public facilities notorious as homosexual meeting places. The largest percentage are neither narcotics addicts