10 out of the capito‘ls of the world with alarming regularity. Homosexuality, once con31dered the exclusive province of big cities, has spread its tenacles like an octopus into smaller communities. In these, it is even a more serious problem than in the metropolitan areas because authorities have little experience in coping with it. Many officials in these medium-sized towns choose to ignore it. Others incubate scandals - that mushroom to such proportions that the very lives of their communities are endangered. A generation ago, men who practiced homosexu- ality, learned also to practice discretion. Although many were effeminate, they did not flaunt them- selves. They lived in a closely-knot society from which they seldom strayed. Today, the picture is vastly different. The homo- sexual underground is global. With money in their pockets and, being no different in their capacities fox enjoyment of the better things in life than normal men, they travel the world. And with them travels ~ the inevitable stigma that identifies the homosexual— the quest for new thrills, new physical contacts, new modes of sensuous excitement The consequence of this is the most disturbing facet of the homosexual underground today—male