tensively in periodicals and newspapers. In short, a once-hushed up subject has come out into the open. The existence of homosexuality can no longer be denied by those who simply don’t want to know about it nor ignored by society because it is an * unpleasant subject. The reason for this upsurge of discussion about homosexuality has its roots in the fact that homo- sexuality is on the increase. Author Jess Stearn estimated that one out of six men in America is an active homosexual. His book titled, 7%e Sixth Man, dealing with case histories of deviates, became an overnight best seller. Yet for all the printer’s ink that has been utilized in writing about homosexuality, little light has been shed. It remains what it has been for centuries—a phenomenon. The authors of these various essays have been sympathetic and critical of homosexu- ality and those who practice it. Regardless of their approach, they have not accomplished more than scratching the surface of the problem. At best, they have come up with a number of generalities; at worst, they have painted a wholly distorted picture of the homosexual world. Few have delved into it for what it is, a social structure existing within society. It is a world where men play two roles, acting the