THE FOLLOWING VOLUMES IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY INQUIRY SERIES ARE PUBLISHED BY THE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS. Leigh, Robert D., The Public Library in the United States. & The general report of the Inquiry, by its director. * Berelson, Bernard, The Library’s Public. Bryan, Alice I., The Public Librarian. = Garceau, Oliver, The Public Library in the Political Process. vMcCamy, James L., Government Publications for the Citizen. v’ “Miller, William, The Book Industry. /Waldron, Gloria, The Information Film. - THE FOLLOWING MIMEOGRAPHED REPORTS TO THE DIRECTOR OF THE INQUIRY MAY BE PURCHASED FROM THE AGENCIES INDICATED. Armstrong, Charles M., “Money for Libraries; a report on library finance.” + New York (230 Park Avenue), Social Science Research Council. Klapper, Joseph T., “Effects of Mass Media.” New York (15 Amsterdam Avenue), Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University. Luening, Otto, “Music Materials and the Public Library; an analysis of the role of the public library in the field of music.” New York (230 Park Avenue), Social Science Research Council. Pierce, Watson O’D., “Work Measurement in Public Libraries.” New York (230 Park Avenue), Social Science Research Council. “Public Library and the People, The; a national survey done for the Public Library Inquiry.” Ann Arbor, Michigan, Survey Research Center, & the University of Michigan.