INDEX Houle, Cyril, 147 Housewives as library users, 30, 33, 37, 128 Illinois public libraries, falling curve of circulation, 91 Illinois State Library, survey, son’ Income, library: linked to business cycle, 9o Information, public library as source of, 17; see also Reference and in- formation services Italy, book reading, 77 Juvenile circulation and book stock, 5 Juveniles, see Children; Youth Kaiser, Walter, 147 Krieg, Laurel, 63 Leadership and library use, 4649, 115, 127 Leigh, Robert D., 147 Leisure time, increased, 9o, 123 Librarians, as readers’ advisers, 77 (see also Reference and informa- tion services); clientele satisfied with, 84; professional, in public li- braries of U.S., 5; should redefine goal, 130 Libraries, private, see Books in the home Libraries, rental: circulation of fic- tion, §8; circulation related to cur- rency, 62; users, 17; women use, more than men, 30 Library, public: communication, book reading and, 3-18; concen- tration of use, g6-111, 126, 127; correlation between school library service and, 70; a democratic insti- tution, 126; direct impact limited to small group of frequent bor- rowers, 99-101; exercises indirect effect upon community through “opinion leaders,” 46-49, 115, 127; how it can affect reading through policy of book acquisition, 6o; 171 implications for policy, 123-35; kinds of services provided, 51-87; natural and social changes re- flected in, 129; note on method of research development with refer- ence to use, 137-46; number in the U.S,, 5; origins, 5; problem of op- timum allocation of resources, 134; proper distribution agency for “light” fiction? 131; redefini- tion of raison d’étre called for, 131; relationship between use and use of other communications, 16; relationship to commercial media of mass communication, 132; role to serve serious and culturally alert, 130; universality of service practically impossible, 130; unre- corded use of materials, 77; use of a “typical,” 123; use of, compared with other channels of communi- cation, 15-17; “users,” 10; when do people use, 8895 Los Angeles Public Library, chil- dren served by, 117, §5; concen- tration in use, 1027; survey of kinds of books supplied to adults by various agencies, 58, 59 Lowrey, Janet, 147 McFadden, Marian, 147 Magazines, as reference material, 74, 86; concentration in audience, 98; popularity as medium of communi- cation, 6 Managerial people as library users, 30, 33, 37 Marital status of library clientele, 39, 126 Meeting rooms for clubs, 79 ff. pas- sim Men as library users, 30, 31-33, 104, 126, 128 Method, note on, 13746 Michigan, University of, Survey Re- search Center, 4 Middle income groups as library users, 37-38, 126 Mills, Nina, 147