{ 170 Clientele, and kinds of books circu- lated, 68; augmented by indirect users, 108; concentration among, 99, 126, 127; community leader- ship, 4649, 115, 127; make more use of other media of communica- tion than do nonusers, 8; personal characteristics by which classified, 19-50, 102-6, 125; research on, 115-17; role of library to serve serious and culturally alert, 1305 specialized nature of, 85; term, 1172; “users” of the public library, 10; why they use library, 51-87; wide interest in all media of com- munication, 127 Cole survey, 61 Commercial mass media, dissatisfac- - tion with, g; relationship of public library to, 132 Communication, and the public li- brary, 3-18; book reading corre- lated with other media of, 6, 8, o; competition in “recreational” area of, 134; concentration-dispersion of use, 96; popular use of major media of, §; relationship to com- mercial media of mass, to public library, 132; wide interest of clien- tele in all media of, 127 “Communication revolution,” 134 Community, library exercises sec- ondary effect upon, through “opinion leaders,” 46—49, 115, 127 Concentration-dispersion of use among major media of communi- cation, 96-99 Concentration of library use, 96- 111; among small group of fre- quent borrowers, gg-101; registra- tion, circulation and, 1o1-2, 103 Connecticut, per capita circulation in small and in larger libraries, 42 Currency, circulation related, 61-63 Czechoslovakia, book reading, 77 Denmark, book reading, 77 Detroit public library system, use of branch and reference services, 71 INDEX Deviants in library use, 115 Dewey decimal classification, 55 Discussion groups, 79 Distance, see Proximity Economic depression and library use, 9o—92 Economic status as a determinant of library use, 37-38, 126 Education as a correlate of public library use, 23, 24-30, 104, 116, 125, 126, 128; related to personal char- acteristics, 27-30; rise in level of, 90, 134 Employees, number in public li- braries of U.S,, 5 Expenditures, annual, of all public libraries in US,, 5 Fiction, borrowers, 69; circulation related to quality, 63-68; concen- tration of, among “heavy” users, 106; definitions of “quality” levels, 65; distribution, 55 f.; greater cir- culation by smaller libraries, 56, 60; is library proper distribution agency for “light”? 131; relative turnover of nonfiction and, 6o; sources of “light,” for high school students, 68 Film forums, 827 Films, moving picture, 8o, 81 Foster, Jeannette H., 66 France, book reading, 77 Gates, Marguerite, 1017 Goldhor, Herbert, 146 Great Britain, book reading, 77 Groups, discussion, 79; special inter- est, 129; study, 8o, 81 Hardy, DeWitt, 147 Henne, Frances, 147 Hodgson, James G., 147 Holland, book reading, 77 Home, relationship between posses- sion of books in the, and use of public library, 15