INDEX Acquisitions, annual, 62 Administration, research on, 119-21 Adults, sources of books for, 12; use of library, 10, 19-24 Advertising, radio, 9 Age as a correlate of public library use, 19-24, 104, 12§ Asheim, Lester, 147 Audience, concentration dispersion of communication exposure, 96 ff. Audio-visual materials, 79 ff. passim Berelson, Rosalind, 147 “Best sellers,” a major item in cir- culation, 128 Bibliography, 149-67; specialized titles, 136 Book industry, commercialization of, 133 Books, actual use of library-circu- lated, 107-10; clientele and the kinds circulated, 68; decrease in purchases during economic de- pression, g1; deficiencies and voids in research literature, 112; inade- quacy of collection, 83; kinds bor- rowed by “heavy” and “light” users, 106; sources, II1-1§5; SOUrces of, for women and for men, 3o, 33; see also Circulation; Readers; Reading Books in the home, and use of pub- lic library, 15 Borrowers, see Clientele Briggs, Elizabeth, 147 Business cycle and library use, go-92 Business managers as library users, 30, 33, 37 Canada, book reading, 6n, 77 Card catalogue, use of, 78 Cards, library: not all borrowers use own, 107 Carnovsky, Leon, 63, 147 Catalogue, use of, 78 Chicago public library, children served by branches, 11z; serving more people than' records indi- cate, 108 Children, correlation between 1.Q. and library use, 21; sources of books for, 14; use of library, 10, 19-24; see also Youth Children’s books, circulation, 53-55; circulation related to quality, 67 Circulation, and actual reading, 107- 10; annual, of all public libraries in U.S,, 5; books for home use, 51; comparison of reference and cir- culation services, §2; concentra- tion of, ¢6-111; conditioned by nature of book stock available, 66n; correlation between, and the business cycle, 9o, g1; increase in per capita, 88-go; neither distinc- tively high nor low, 128; rec- ords underestimate impact upon community, 108; registration, con- centration, and, 1o1-2, 103; related to currency, 61-63; related to quality, 63-68; relation to compo- sition of book stock, 54, 60; rela- tive turnover of fiction and non- fiction, 603 services, §1-69; services classified by form and subject matter, §5-60; services to adult- juvenile borrowers, 53-55; use of services, 30 City, relationship between size of, and public library use, 42 Classical literature, borrowers, 69; distributed by library, 128 Cleveland Public Library, Science and Technology Department: ref- erence service, 70