BIBLIOGRAPHY 167 County, New York. Chicago, American Library Association, 1936. Survey of thirty-one public libraries in Westchester County, New York, 1934. —— and Leon Liddell. Connecticut Library Survey. Hartford, Connecticut State Department of Education, Division of Re- search and Planning, 1948. Wilson, Louis R. The Geography of Reading; a Study of the Distribution and Status of Libraries in the United States. Chicago, American Library Association and The University of Chicago Press, 1938. Extensive study, by regions, of the number, size, and types of libraries in the United States, with comparable data for other agencies and media of communication. Data on regional variations in geographic, economic, and other factors are in- cluded. —— and Edward A. Wight. County Library Service in the South. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1935. Survey of work accomplished in the preceding five years by demonstration libraries in eleven Southern counties, 1934. Wylie, Margaret M. “A Survey of Michigan County Library Users; a Cooperative Project.” Unpublished Master’s thesis, Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, 19438. Personal interviews with all users of unspecified number of county branch libraries in Michigan during first two weeks in December, 1946. Zatterberg, Helen. “Who Uses the Public Library; Analysis of the Registration Records of the Hild Regional Branch, The Chicago Public Library, 1941.” Unpublished Master’s thesis, University of Chicago, 1941. Analysis of the records of three years’ registration, March, 1938-March, 1941.