1 \ i \ BIBLIOGRAPHY 165 lation in three groups: open country, town, and community leaders, in Lenawee County, Michigan, summers 1946, 1947. Ulveling, Ralph A. “Administration of Branch Systems,” in Carle- ton B. Joeckel, ed., Current Issues in Library Administration (Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1939), pp. 135-62. Contains data on effect of distance on one Detroit branch ~ library (date not given). U.S. Office of Education. Library Service Division. Public Li- brary Statistics, 1944-45. U.S. Office of Education Bulletin No. 12, 1947. Uniform report forms from 6,026 public library systems in Continental U.S. for fiscal year ending any time during 1945. Van Hoesen, Florence R. “An Analysis of Adult Reference Work in Public Libraries; an Approach to the Content of a First Year Reference Course.” Ph.D. dissertation materials, Univer- sity of Chicago, 1948. Records of 3,569 reference questions asked in fifteen libraries in six public library systems during one week in the winter of 1937. Occupation of inquirer, use to be made of the informa- tion, source of answer, and reason for failure if not satisfactory. Waples, Douglas. “Community Studies in Reading: 1. Reading in the Lower East Side,” Library Quarterly, 111 (1933), 1—20. Library records on registrants over 15 years of age of Seward Branch Library, summer 1932. —— People and Print: Social Aspects of Reading in the Depres- sion. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1937. Official records and other reading studies. —— “People versus Print” in Louis R. Wilson, ed., Library Trends (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1937), pp. 255-68. General discussion; no data. —— and Leon Carnovsky. Libraries and Readers in the State of New York; the State’s Administration of Public and School Li- braries with Reference to the Educational Values of Library Services. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1939. Questionnaires on reading in February, 1937, returned by 73 percent of all high school students, 40 percent of all teachers, and 32 percent of all high school parents in Extown; and 91