164 BIBLIOGRAPHY} of Chicago Public Library, March, 1935. Sample taken w1thmi the library. Sohon, Julian A. “Workers and Readers: the Correlation betweefi' Economic Trends and Library Statistics in Bridgeport, Com.' necticut,” Library Quarterly, X1 (July, 1941), 334-56. i Comparatlve trend curves of library use and economic tren& in Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1929-39. Stallman, Esther L. “Public lerary Service to Public School C dren: Its Administration in Large American Cities.” Ph.D. sertation, University of Chicago, 1942. Abstract, Chicago, 1945 Personal interviews and official records on administrative prac- tice in 42 cities of 200,000 population or over, January-June 1939. : Sterner, A. P. “Radio, Motion Picture, and Reading Interes a Study of High School Pupils.” New York, Teachers Collegé; Columbia University, 1947. Contribution to Education, No. 932 Checklist of radio programs heard, comic strips, funny books magazines and newspapers read, and motion pictures seen, a a four-week record of voluntary book reading of 372 pupils by sex, grade, and socio-economic dispersion, fall, 1941, spring and fall, 1942. Strang, Ruth. Explorations in Reading Patterns. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1942. Combination personal interview and a written questlonnalm administered to 112 persons from ages 13-50. } Survey Research Center, University of Michigan. “The Pubhg Library and the People; a National Survey Done for the Pub: lic Library Inquiry.” S.R.C., April, 1948. Mimeographed. Cross-section sample of 1,151 adult respondents personally i terviewed, to obtain data on general communication behavio ) as well as extensive data on the use of the public library. . Turbeville, Gus. “Reading in the Rural Community: a Soci Psychological Study of Reading and Library Usage in Lens wee County, Michigan, 1946-47.” Unpublished Ph.D. disse ; tation, Michigan State College of Agriculture and Apph Science, 1948. Interviews on reading and library usage with samples of popur ) 1 PG € a 8