| \ | BIBLIOGRAPHY 161 Mater, Wilma Shaffer. “Sources from Which Chicago High School Students Obtain Reading Material.” Unpublished Mas- ter’s paper, The University of Chicago, 1943. Reading surveys of four public high schools (lower income group) and University of Chicago High School, January- March, 1941; 1,567 boys and 1,400 girls; not a representative sample; grades IX-XIIL. Miller, Robert. “The Relationship of Readmg Characteristics to Social Indexes,” American Journal of Sociology, XLI (1935), 738-56. Reading analysis comparing a middle-class residential district and a largely foreign-born industrial community in South Chi- cago, 1934. Montclair, N.J., Free Public Library. “Analysis of Circulation Records, 1945 and 1947.” Unpublished material at Graduate Library School, University of Chicago. Analysis of annual circulation records (for adults) of the public library, by types of users and of materials borrowed. Muller, Hans. “Varieties of Presenting Fiction and Non-fiction Circulation in Libraries,” Library Journal, LXVI (September 1, 1941), 700~703. Discussion based on study of adult circulation statistics of Gary (Indiana) Public Library, April, 1940. Mumford, Eben, J. F. Thaden, and Margaret Cawood Spurway. “The Standard of Living of Farm Families in Selected Michi- gan Counties.” Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, Spe- cial Bulletin No. 287, East Lansing, Michigan, 1937. | Nafziger, Ralph O. Red Wing and Its Daily Newspaper; News Content and Readership. Minneapolis, University of Minne- sota Press, 1946. Personal interview on newspaper and other reading of random sample of town of 9,962 population; education not controlled as variable. .‘ National Opinion Research Center. What . . . Where . . . Why . . . Do People Read? Highlights of a Survey Made for the American Library Association and 17 Cooperating City Libraries. Denver, University of Denver, 1946. Report No. 28.