160 BIBLIOGRAPHY in Los Angeles in spring, 1930, correlated with personal and educational data. Link, Henry C., and Harry A. Hopf. People and Books; a Study of Reading and Book-Buying Habits. New York, Book In- dustry Committee, Book Manufacturers’ Institute, 1946. Four thousand personal interviews in 106 cities and towns, May-June, 1945; sample biased in education. Lorimer, Frank. The Making of Adult Minds in a Metropolitan Community. New York, Macmillan, 1931. 4,639 questionnaires and personal interviews, 5o percent of which were returned by persons registered in adult education classes, 1928-29. Lundberg, G. A., M. Komarovsky, and M. A. Mclnery. LCISUI‘C a Suburban Study New York, Columbia University Press, 1934. Chapter X: “Adult Education and Reading.” Questionnaire and published records of Westchester County, New York, January, 1932—April, 1933. Lynd, Robert S., and Helen M. Lynd. Middletown; a Study in Contemporary American Culture (New York, Harcourt, Brace, and Co., 1929), chap. xvii. “Traditional Ways of Spending Leisure.” Study of Muncie, Indiana, based on objective observation and official record, 1923-25. —— Middletown in Transition; a Study in Cultural Conflicts (New York, Harcourt, Brace, and Co., 1937), chap. vii. “Spending Leisure.” Resurvey of Muncie ten years later. McGill, Nettie P., and Ellen N. Matthews. The Youth of New York City. New York, Macmillan, 1940. Personal interviews with 9,041 persons between the ages of 16-24, as found in a 1 percent random sample of every resi- dential unit in Greater New York, 1935. Magazine Advertising Bureau, Inc. Nationwide Magazine Au- dience Study. New York, M.A.B., 1948. Extensive survey of magazine readmg patterns through per- sonal interviews with about 10,000 respondents in a national sample.