158 BIBLIOGRAPHY Working Together in School Library Service; Report. Wash- ington, D.C., National Education Association, 1941. Survey of official records of 1o communities under 200,000 population selected on basis of especially cordial joint adminis- tration of school libraries by school and public library. Date not given. Joint Committee on Film Forums of the American Film Center, the ALA, the AAAE, and the American Association of Ap- plied Psychology. “Final Report on the Library Film Forum Project.” 1944. Mimeographed. Kaiser, Walter H. “The Occupations of Registered Borrowers in a Public Library,” Library Quarterly, XIV (April, 1944), 119-25. | Classifsication of the occupations of 6,723 adult borrowers (over 14 years of age) of Muncie Public Library, January, 1941-June, 1942. A — “Statistical Trends of Large Public Libraries, 19oo-1946,” Library Quarterly, XVIII (October, 1948), 275-81. Kaplan, Abraham. Socio-Economic Circumstances and Adult Participation in Certain Cultural and Educational Activities. New York, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1943. Con= tributions to Education, No. 88¢. Interviews with § percent random sample of total adult popu- lation (over 18) of Springfield, Massachusetts. Biascd in favor of women (1941?). Kelley, Grace Osgood. Woodside Does Read! A Survey of the Reading Interests and Habits of a Local Community. Jamaica, New York, Queensborough Public Library, 1935. Questionnaires sent to a selected 1,000 persons in New York City in a three-week period in 1935. Heavily biased in favor of library users. Kingman, Marion C. “Reference Work in a Branch lerary, ALA Bulletin, XXXII (October 15, 1938), 834-35. Classification of all reference questions asked, March 14-April 9, 1938, at Dorchester Branch Public Library, Boston.