BIBLIOGRAPHY 155 Guerrier, Edith. “The Measurement of Reference Service,” Li- brary Journal, LXI (July, 1936), 529-31. ] All reference questions asked in nine library systems through- out the country, October 14-19, 1935. Hall, W. E,, and F. P. Robinson. “The Role of Reading as a Life Activity in a Rural Community,” Journal of Applied Psy- chology, XXVI (August, 1942), 530—42. Ten percent sample of the population above ¢ years of age in Eagle Valley, Oregon (population: 1,000). Hayes, Zella Marguerite. “The Use of Adult Circulating Book Collections by Juvenile Borrowers.” M.S. thesis, Western Re- serve University, 1936. Questionnaire survey of 27 library agencies in communities of 25,000 to 70,000 population throughout the country. Haygood, William. Who Uses the Public Library; a Survey of the Patrons of the Circulation and Reference Departments of the New York Public Library. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1938. Questionnaire administered to persons within the library (3,055 in Reference Department; 16,540 in 46 branches and one sub- branch of New York Public Library), during one week of January, 1936. Henne, Frances, assisted by the children’s librarians of the Los Angeles Public Library. “Library Service for Youth in the Los Angeles Public Library.” Part of the Los Angeles Public \ Library Survey, 1948. Mimeographed. Study of the organization and administration, uses, activities, | staff, books and other materials, housing and equipment of \ the children’s departments. Analyzes juvenile registration and number of children withdrawing books in relation to number of children in the area served by the different library agencies. Presents a planning program for library service to children and to young people. Herdman, Margaret M. “The Public Library in Depression,” Li- brary Quarterly, XII1 (October, 1943), 310-34. Schedules submitted in 1932 and in 1936 to 150 libraries, cover- | \