‘154 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Field and Peacock Associates. “A Library Survey for the City of Los Angeles.” 1948. Mimeographed. ; Survey based on a total of about 1,600 personal interviews, dealing with communication habits, sources and types of read- ing, use of the public library and attitudes toward it. Flexner, Jennie M., and Byron C. Hopkins. Readers’ Advisers at Work; a Survey of Development in the New York Public Library. New York, American Association for Adult Educa- tion, 1941. Follow-up questionnaires with 1,250 persons for whom special reading lists had been prepared four months previously dur- ing period 1933-39. Supplemented with personal data from registration records. Foster, Jeannette Howard. “An Experiment in Classifying Fiction Based on the Characteristics of Its Readers,” Library Quarterly, VI (1936), 124-74. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1935. Correlation of personal characteristics of readers with the “quality” levels of the fiction read. Goldhor, Herbert. “Report on the University of Illinois Library School Index of Illinois Public Library Circulation, 1947," Library Quarterly, XIX (January, 1949), 46-54. Gray, William S. “Reading,” in Walter S. Monroe, ed., Encyclo- pedia of Educational Research. (New York, Macmillan, 1941), Pp- 891—926. General summary of reading studies. Gray, William S, and Ruth Munroe. The Reading Interests and Habits of Adults; a Preliminary Report. New York, Mac- millan, 193o0. | Personal interviews with 100 persons in Hyde Park, Chlcago, 170 parents of st and 2d grade children in North Evanston. Gscheidle, Gertrude E. “Services of the Central Library and the Extension of Service throughout the City.” Parts of the Los Angeles Public Library Survey, 1948. Mimeographed. Study of the organization and administration of adult services in a large metropolitan library.