BIBLIOGRAPHY 153 Davis, Augusta Katherine. “Negro Reading of Library War Books.” Unpublished Master’s paper, The University of Chi- cago, 1943. Circulation records for selected war titles published between 1939 and 1942, borrowed by 942 Negro borrowers of Hall Branch of Chicago Public Library (time period not given). Davis, Warren M. “A Survey of the Reading Habits of Children,” Obio Schools, XVIII (December, 1940), 488-89. Questionnaire submitted to 7th and 8th grade students in Steu- benville, Ohio (no further details). Dick, Elizabeth, and Bernard Berelson. “What Happens to Li- brary-Circulated Books?” Library Quarterly, XVIIL (April, 1948), 100-107. Personal interviews with 363 persons returning books to Legler Regional Branch of Chicago Public Library, March-May, 1940. Eckert, Ruth E., and Thomas O. Marshall. When Youth Leave School; The Regents’ Inquiry. New York and London, Mc- Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1938. Questionnaires and other tests and records relating to stu- dents leaving secondary schools in 51 communities in New York State between June, 1936, and June, 1937. 62 selected schools and 53,091 pupils. Ellsworth, Ralph E. “The Distribution of Books and Magazines in Selected Communities.” Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Chicago, 1937. Abstract, private ed. University of Chicago Libraries, 1939. Questionnaire and personal interviews with 6,600 residents of South Chicago between November, 1933, and January, 1934, and 3,600 residents of St. Louis during November, 1934. St. Louis sample is biased in favor of library users. | Fair, Ethel M. “The Public Library Versus Other Sources of | Books.” Unpublished Master’s thesis, The University of Chi- cago, 1935. Personal interviews with 4,771 persons over 20 years of age in 6 census tracts of South Chicago, winter of 1933-34.