152 BIBLIOGRAPHY Study of reference questions from 13 different libraries of several kinds and sizes, April, 1941. Cole, George K. “The Use of a Public Library and a Rental Library in the Same Community.” Master’s investigation, Uni- versity of Chicago, 1948; manuscript only. Comparative investigation of kinds of users, kinds of ma- terial withdrawn, and sources of information about books. Samples of adult users of both agencies, about 190 from one, and 160 from the other. Commission on the Freedom of the Press. A Free and Respon- sible Press. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1947. Compton, Charles H. Who Reads What? Essays on the Readers of Mark Twain, Hardy, Sandburg, Shaw, William James, the Greek Classics. New York, H. W. Wilson Company, 1934. Check of book cards, followed by solicitation of letters from the borrowers of the several authors. Anecdotal material on “unusual” readers. Conat, Mabel L. “Detroit P.L. Surveys Reference Use,” Library Journal, LXXII (November 15, 1947), 1569—72. Survey of 21,548 reference questions received by the De- troit Public Library during the month of January, 1947, giv- ing purpose served, tools used, and statement of user satisfac- tion. Conner, Martha. “What a Reference Librarian Should Know,” Library Journal, LII (April 15, 1927), 415-18. Classification of all reference questions asked in Reference Department of Pittsburgh Carnegie Library, September-De- cember, 1905, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925. Cornell, Ethel L. “The Voluntary Reading of High School Pupils,” ALA Bulletin, XXXV (May, 1941), 295-300. Reading records for 135 pupils of 21 high school libraries and 8 public libraries, ages 13 and over, for February-May, 1939. Darsie, H. H. “Measuring the Results of Reference Service,” ALA Bulletin, XXIX (September, 1935), 604-5. Classification of reference questions received by selected Chi- cago and New York libraries (no time period given).