BIBLIOGRAPHY I§1I —— “Measurments in Library Service,” in Carleton B. Joeckel, ed., Current Issues in Library Administration (Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1939), pp. 240-63. Includes check of 9,984 names from the voters’ permanent registration file against the Chicago Public Library registra- tion file (1937?). —— “Study of High School Reading in the Chicago Metropoli- tan Area.” Unpublished study in the files of the Graduate Library School, University of Chicago, 1934. —— “War and the Reading Public,” in Pierce Butler, ed., Books and Libraries in Wartime (Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1945), pp. 105-24. Includes circulation figures from New York Public Library; Charleston, West Virginia, Public Library; and Montclair Pub- lic Library. Chait, William. “Books and Other Sources Used in Adult Refer- ence Service in Branches of the Brooklyn Public Library.” Unpublished Master’s thesis, School of Library Service, Co- lumbia University, 1938. Charters, W. W. “College Preparation for Reference Work,” School and Society, XXVII (February 4, 1928), 150-52. Classification of 119,745 reference questions from 18 libraries of several sizes throughout the country, winter, 1927. Christ, Robert W. “Recording Reference Service,” College and Research Libraries, VIII (January, 1947), 23-27. Description of the kinds of records of reference service kept at Grosvenor (Reference) Library, Buffalo, New York. De- scriptive, not statistical. Clarke, Eve Kohl. “A Study of the Use of the Public Library by Recent High School Graduates.” Unpublished Master’s thesis, The University of Chicago, 1945. Questionnaire administered to 117 nonregistrants of Chicago Public Library, selected from 820 girl graduates of two con- trasted Chicago high schools, classes of 1939 and 1940. Cole, Dorothy Ethlyn. “An Analysis of Adult Reference Work in Libraries.” Unpublished Master’s thesis, The University of Chicago, 1943.