150 BIBLIOGRAPHY Blu_m, Eleanor. “Reading Resources in Rural Areas of Champaign County.” Unpublished Master’s thesis, University of Illinois, 1947. Check of library and commercial sales records, interviews with representative community leaders, and checklists from 435 families in six communities representative of rural farm and non-farm areas of the county, June, 1945-October, 1946. Blumenthal, Albert. Small Town Stuff (Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1932), chap. ix: “The Printed Page.” “Par- ticipating observation” of 2% years in a small (1,410) mining town in the Rocky Mountain region (1928-30?). Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University. “The Flow of Influence in an American Community.” Manuscript, 1048. Intensive study of opinion leadership among women in a middle-sized, mid-western community. Library use only inci- dental to major purposes of investigation. Butler, Helen. “An Inquiry into the Statement of Motives by Readers.” Library Quarterly, X (1940), 1—-49. Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Chicago, 1939. 1,427 checklist-questionnaires administered to users of Roches- ter (N.Y.) Public Library, February-March, 1938, correlating reasons for borrowing specific titles with personal data. Carnovsky, Leon. “An Appraisal of the Cleveland Public Library; Evaluations and Recommendations.” Chicago, 1939. Mimeo- graphed. Administrative survey and evaluation of Cleveland Public Li- brary, utilizing library records and personal interviews with staff, 1930. —— “Community Studies in Reading: II. Hinsdale, a Suburb of Chicago,” Library Quarterly, V (1935), 1-30. Analysis of library circulation records of Hinsdale, Illinois, population 6,923, from January 15-February 10, 1934. — “Library " Service to Rural Communities,” in Floyd W. Reeves, ed., Education for Rural America (Chicago, The Uni- versity of Chicago Press, 1946), pp. 143-59. Study of the TVA library project.