BIBLIOGRAPHY Abrams, Mark. “Leisure Interests of the British People,” Opin- ion News, X (June 15, 1948), 3-5 Findings of three public opinion polls conducted by Research Services, London, 1947—48, of samples taken from the popula- tion aged 16 or over. Anderson, Harold. “Reading Interests and Tastes,” in William S. Gray, ed., Reading in General Education (Washington, D.C., American Council on Education, 1940), pp. 217-71. A survey of several recent studies of interest and taste, not related specifically to library reading. Baldwin, Emma V., and William E. Marcus. Library Costs and Budgets; a Study of Cost Accounting in Public Libraries. New York, R. R. Bowker, 1941. Beals, Ralph. “Implications of Communications Research for the Public Library,” in Douglas Waples, ed., Print, Radio, and Film in a Democracy. (Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1942), pp- 159-81. Bell, Howard M. Youth Tell Their Story. Washington, Ameri- can Council on Education, 1938. Personal interviews with 13,528 young people between the ages of 16 and 24 in the state of Maryland in the 7 months be- ginning June, 1936. Sample matched on personal characteristics with national youth population. Berelson, Bernard. “Analysis of Library Use in Elmira, New York.” Manuscript, 1948. Report on public library use from a personal interview with a cross-section of 1,029 adults in the community. No differ- entiation by kind of use of the library. . —— “The Public Library, Book Reading, and Political Behavior,” Library Quarterly, XV (October, 1945), 281-99. Personal interviews with a stratified sample of 600 respondents representative of Erie County, Ohio.