ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In the preparation of this report the author is much indebted to Lester Asheim for his patient and competent help in collecting raw materials. He did a tedious, but essential, job with unfailing judgment and good humor. Also, the author is grateful to the staff of the Survey Research Center for their co-operation which helped to make the task of integration less difficult. The staff and the advisory committee of the Public Library Inquiry contributed several suggestions during the two meetings on this report. Whatever ease and felicity of expression the re- port has was placed there through the editorial ministrations of Lois Murkland, DeWitt Hardy, and Robert D. Leigh. To Dr. Leigh, as director of the Inquiry, the author is especially in- debted for encouragement and understanding at every point. Many useful criticisms were provided by the readers of the preliminary report: Elizabeth Briggs, Leon Carnovsky, Herbert Goldhor, Frances Henne, James G. Hodgson, Cyril Houle, Walter Kaiser, Marian McFadden, Ralph Munn, John Richards, Helen Ridgway, Edgar Schuler, David Truman, Ralph Tyler, Nell Unger, and Louis R. Wilson. The many difficult problems in the preparation of the report could not have been overcome without the extra, yet good-willed, labor of Janet Lowrey, Ruth Thomas, and Nina Mills. To Rosalind Berelson I am indebted, as always. BERNARD BERELSON