APPENDIX A NOTE ON METHOD Tuis rRePoRT represents a chart of the research develop- ment with reference to library use. It includes all empirical in- vestigations dealing with the distribution of actual book reading in the United States, the use of the circulation, reference, and other services of the public library, and the comparative use of similar agencies in the community from about 1930 to 1947. Within this scope, the goal was complete coverage of the avail- able material. The search of the literature began with a bibliography includ- ing most of the major studies in the field. This list was expanded by inclusion of the usual bibliographical tools and the following specialized titles: William S. Gray, “Summary of Reading Investigations,” Elemen- tary School Journal, Vols. XXVI-XXXII (1926-32), and the Journal of Educational Research, XXVII (1933), 564-92. “Graduate Theses Accepted by Library Schools in the United States,” Library Quarterly, Vols. 111, IV, VI, IX, XVII (1933, 1934, 1936, 1939, 1947). Bruce Lannes Smith, Harold D. Lasswell, and Ralph D. Casey, Propaganda, Communication, and Public Opinion, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1946; and supplements in the Pub- lic Opinion Quarterly after 1943. Library Literature, 1930 to date. Education Index, July, 1938, to date. Every title of possible relevance found in these sources was ex- amined and, if appropriate, abstracted. In all, about two hundred titles were studied; all relevant items appear in the Bibliography. In addition, a few special sources were used to fill in the reports at several points. (1) A brief information form requesting data