124 IMPLICATIONS FOR POLICY in a “typical” community. In it the public library is only one source of books among several sources, but it is a major source for both children and adults. About one quarter of all the books read in the town are borrowed from the public library, and for some kinds of titles the public library is practically the sole source of supply. It therefore performs a valuable service of communication. Beyond this, it occupies an honorable place among public institutions. The public library of the “typical” town is re- ferred to with pride by many people who have not been in it since they left school. The residents do not know a great deal about the library, and not many of them use it directly; but they do approve of it, and they support it without much grudging. This is partly because of the prestige attached to “intellectual” activity, with which book reading is associated and sometimes even identified, in the community. The library benefits from the “halo effect” surrounding any educational institution in a culture-conscious country, even though some of its work may not qualify as educational by reasonable defi- nitions. Among other institutions in the community—the churches, the schools, the newspapers, the radio, the business firms, and the local government offices—the public library holds a high position in public opinion. By and large, the people of the community think well of their public library. Although most adults in the community like the public li- brary, most of them do not use it. Like many other civic facilities in the town, the public library is used by only a mi- nority of the population. In many respects they constitute a separate group within the town. The amount of library use varies with the size of the “typical” town—the smaller the town, the larger the proportion of the population that uses the library. At any one time the library registration file lists about 35 percent of the total population, but this figure is usually an inaccurate or misleading indicator of library use. The size of