F22 FURTHER RESEARCH NEEDED public library really used as a major source of political and so- cial enlightenment? Again, the best hypothesis is that the adult borrowers of political materials from the public library are reading books deliberately selected to reinforce and buttress their already existing opinions and prejudices. The role of the public library as a factor in political and so- cial change deserves study. Does it really serve as a vehicle for the circulation of “new” ideas? Or does it contribute to politi- cal apathy and conservatism indirectly through its easy provi- sion of “light,” “escape” fiction? How effective is the public library as a contributor to occupational mobility or adjust- ment? Is it an agency through which the opportunity for oc- cupational advancement is realized? Which of its users use it successfully for that end? Questions of this kind, relating the public library as an operating institution to the social currents of the time, are relevant and proper. In the end, the library’s contribution to American society must be measured in terms of its effects and influence upon that society, in terms of its contribution to the gradual transformation of the “great so- ciety” into the “good society.” These are only a few of the research developments sug- gested by a review of the present literature. Other gaps in our knowledge will be equally apparent to other students in the field. Interested persons with different points of view may dis- agree upon what the next research step ought to be. What will be generally agreed upon is the central matter: scientific in- vestigation concerning the use of the public library has made a good start, and it should be extended and intensified as well as improved.