120 FURTHER RESEARCH NEEDED educated and poorly served, or vice versa. Is it well to build a new branch library in a district with a high level of schooling, thus tending to maximize library use, or would it be better to build in a district with a low level of schooling in order to stimulate the more poorly educated to use the library because of proximity? Presumably, the better-schooled will travel far- ther for library facilities and will find their way to books in any case. The location of a library depends partly upon a decision as to the most appropriate objectives and values for the institu- tion. Is it more important to reach some of the unresponsive (for example, the poorly educated groups) or to reach more readers by catering to the responsive groups? The decision might also rest partly upon reliable data indicating varying degrees of use in different kinds of districts. This is a problem in the distribution of cultural resources within the commu- nity, and analysis of specific situations might provide a sub- stantial basis of information for policy decisions. The Library’s Influence on Reading Selection.—A basic ar- gument for the American public library is that it improves the reading taste of its community. But no one knows whether or how it does so. In order to improve reading patterns, the li- brary must be able to influence them, and no one quite knows how effectively the library does or can do that. Presumably, the public library can affect the reading pattern of the com- munity in four important ways. It can stimulate certain kinds of reading through various sorts of promotional activities, such as book talks, window displays, radio programs, book lists, and so forth. Secondly, it can stimulate certain kinds of reading through the physical arrangement of the library’s book collection, by making selected titles more, or less, acces- sible to the casual seeker of “something to read” (who are a significant part of the clientele). Thirdly, it can do so through the advice and guidance of library personnel. And, finally, it