118 FURTHER RESEARCH NEEDED there are other sources in the community for much of their circulation, but none which supply as broad a range of reli- able information as is available at the public library. If this is so, more data should be assembled about the information functions of the public library, broadly defined. The phrase “broadly defined” is necessary. The informa- tion functions of the library are not necessarily synonymous with the services of the reference room. A book used within the reference room counts as information service of the li- brary; the same book used for the same purpose, but lent to the borrower for use, counts as circulation service. Yet iden- tical informational service is performed in both cases. This example calls for a clearer distinction among the various func- tions of public library service, and this in turn calls for fuller data on library activities. Part of such data would need to deal with the purposes for which libraries are used so that finer and more meaningful distinctions could be made than those con- tained in the usual trichotomy of recreation, information, and education. Also, sooner or later substantial attention will need to be given to the “social utility” of the library’s reference services. Supplymg answers to puzzle and quiz questions and inquiries about curiosa or information to be used for the set- tlement of friendly wagers is one thing; supplying assistance to users of “serious” information and resources is another. In sum, the reference and information services of the public li- brary part1cularly suffer from insufficient research attention. They are important now and promise to become more so, and they deserve more study. Unrecorded Use of the Public Library.—Because it is the hardest to study, the unrecorded use of the public library has been the least studied. From circulation records it is easy to say how many of what kinds of books have been lent. It is possible to report on the reference services of the library. But the independent and private use of the library—browsing