116 FURTHER RESEARCH NEEDED portant case in point is found in the field of library use. All the studies support the generalization that the better-schooled members of the community use the library much more than those with less schooling. But in every study some people with only limited schooling are regular and “serious” library users. Such people are the exceptions to the major generalization— the deviants who do not act like the majority of their fellows. And because they are exceptions, they usually receive less at- tention than the majority. Yet for many purposes these are just the individuals to study. If one wishes to build up the li- brary clientele among the large nonuser group of the less- schooled, these deviants are the appropriate subjects for study. In a sense, they are representatives of the dominantly nonuser group, and to discover their reasons for library use may pro- vide bases of understanding through which their fellows can be attracted to do likewise. In other words, there are kinds of people who do not use the public library as a group, but some of them do, and it is important to find out why they do. Inten- sive study may help to make library use the normal rather than the deviant behavior pattern. The School-leaving Problem.—The public library has as clients a large proportion of people in their late teens; it has only a minority of them as clients ten, or even five, years later. What has happened? During this period such peaple have for the most part left the formal educational system and taken oc- cupations as self-supporting adults. But why should so many abandon book reading when they leave the school? Is it be- cause their education has somehow failed to provide them with skill or incentive for the kind of continuous self-educa- tion which is often available nowhere but through the public library? Or is the public library somehow at fault for not at- tracting them sufficiently during their formative period of library use? Just which young people continue to use the library and which do not? How could the latter be retained as